Manusi moto piele SM Racewear Rambler black

Manusi moto piele SM Racewear Rambler black
Manusi moto piele SM Racewear Rambler black
Producător: SM Racewear
Cod produs: UM603-10
Disponibilitate: În stoc marimile disponibile in lista Marime. Te rugam sa ne contactezi daca marimea pe care o cauti nu este disponibila.
Preţ: 180,00 Lei 150,00 Lei

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Manusi moto piele SM Racewear Rambler black

Cowhide Leather Construction

Knuckle impact protector

Soft feel liner

Hook and loop wrist adjustment and closure

Pre-curved ergonomic fit

Stretch to rear of the hand for improved comfort and flexibility

Short length gauntlet cuff with filled cross stitch panel details

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